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An introduction of the real D, Dersjen!

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An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! Empty An introduction of the real D, Dersjen!

Post by Dersjen 16/11/2014, 04:07


Since nobody has thrown themselves around and shared personal information about their lives, I thought that I might as well begin. First I would like to mention that I wont include sleeping schedules and the phone number of my crush just yet. What I mean is that some things I will still keep to myself Wink

So where do I begin? Let's see, how about the start? Very Happy I was born on a beautiful monday on the 13. of january 1997. Actually, it was raining, but I will exaggerate alot to make myself seem awesome! Except you need to know that I was the fattest kid ever, even fatter then any kid you will ever see in your lives! When my parents once took me to Spain (Pelut), they had me in something we call "barnevogn" in norwegian. It is one of those child carriage things where you put your baby and roll them aroud, you know what I mean. Anyways, as they rolled me up to a restaurant, a waitor wanted to look at the sweet innocent child that was me, but what he got to see was a fat kid with the biggest cheeks ever. As he was very suprised he proceeded to yell out: "RAMBO RAMBO!".

An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! 969694_456179747809076_1479207250_n
Above picture is from when I had lost some weight^^

So yeah, pretty fat as a kid, but now I am getting lost, BACK TO TOPIC!

In kindergarden I was a very active kid and got some new friends, or rather my first friends. This was when I noticed I was really interested in football! Every day I we would play football when we got to go outside, and then, if we got bored, we would climb over the fence and run away for rest of the day. We often ran to the same place, and abandoned ski-jumping hill. After a while our parents got so used to it that they started to go there to pick us up instead of the kindergarden. I also met my best friend to this day here. He moved away when I was 5, but through his father living where I live, we could still keep in touch. But more about him later!

School began and I my friends stayed the same. My love for football had grown to a stage that couldnt be healthy for a 6 year old. This showed of on my pants as well, as we had to go pant shopping everyother week. This was due to me, during the recess, playing football on the worst ground field ever, and ripping up the pants in ways you couldnt imagine. And school turned out to be great! Over the years I dont know how many hours I have used on my homework, but man, its alot. I just loved being able to feel that I was good at something, as even though I had a love for football, and played it every day, I was a very bad player. So to have the feeling that I was good at something, even though it was something as boring as school, it was something that gave me a feeling of joy. As I started in school, I wasnt a fat kid anymore. All those hours of playing football had made me skinnier, and I hit a massive growth period. From being one of the shortest guy among my friends, I became one of the tallest. And it didnt seem to stop.

Going through years 5-10 in elementary school, I kept growing. And at an amazing 199 centimeter (my current height) I decided to slow down. (damn, so close to 200...)

When I was in my eight year of elementary, I discovered PC-gaming. Up until this stage, the only games I had touched was Pokémon, some other Nintendo games, and FIFA. A friend of mine showed me a new game he had discovered! It was this dull game where the goal was to kill these small dudes, and after a while, kill some big dudes. Then, after about 30-40 min of gameplay, you would destroy a giant crystal, and either win the game or lose the game. Man this looked boring! The christmas before this, I had recieved my first computer. A shitty HP laptop that barely was good enough for browsing. My friend kept telling me how good the game was, and I downloaded it. League of Legends? What a weird name. It seemed like they didnt think it through as it would spell out LOL. So I decided that I would try it out. In the beginning I was scared of playing it as my mom is of the overprotective type, and I didnt think she would like it if I started playing games that involved "killing". So I would only play whenever they were out of the house.

And so on and so forth, my account got banned for a month due to me leaving to many games in progress. So I decided to start a new account, and that account is what turned out to be this account. I started playing on EUNE, since all of my friends played there.

When you are about 15 years old, people in Norway have this tradition where the kids become adults, and we throw a huge party for the person. And as a gift from my parents, I was given a Macbook pro 13". I was so happy at the time, and downloaded league of legends as soon as I got home. At this time, my friend from kindergarden that had to move, was coming to my hometown, and to my "all grown up party". I introduced him to league and he loved it! He even made me, who wasnt so into the game yet, love it as well. Same summer we grinded to lvl 30 (which was almost a year after I made the account). So after a while I told my mom that I have found a game that I liked and that this was what I was doing when I was hiding away in my room. I didnt want her to think I was doing some "dirty" business all the time I was in my room. Therefore I told her, and she was not pleased then, and she still isnt.

So I started to play alot, basically as much as my Macbook could take. At the time I didnt have a desk, and I didnt have a proper mouse. I was sitting in my bed using my bed as a mousepad. With this amazing equipment I hit silver, and I felt like a god. But I easily understood that this crap wasnt good enough. So I decided to buy a desk and a chair. Since my room is REALLY small, I ended up buying a small desk where I could do some homework and still fit my Macbook. At this time, gaming was kind of taking over the place of the homework, but I am still able to get to do what I need to get done, in time! So I played with the Macbook for the entire season 3 and made it to higher gold. But my Macbook was getting tired, and all my friends already had like fancy stationary computer, so this summer I decided that I should buy one as well. So I got another job in the spring, and after some intense weeks with work in the summer, I could finally afford one. And as I got my new computer, I decided that I would try to have more fun while playing, and meanwhile focus more on school, since I have a dream of becoming an astrophysicist. So I took a few months where I just played normals with my friends, and actually read through most of this years physics book. When I felt like things had settled down again in my personal life (a rough period right before now), and that school was going well, I decided that now is the time to search for a new team again in League. So I searched the forums for quite some time, but nothing really seemed interesting, so I dropped the idea. But due to sheer luck, and me not closing the tab night before, I saw a really well written post by some dude calling himself Geek Dad. So I read it through , and it seemed really interesting. So I decided to tryout, and well, the rest is history ^^

To end this LONG session off, I am going to tell you what I COULD have written instead of this mile long post:

Hi, my name is Anders Tidemann, also known as Dersjen.

I was born in Trondheim, a big city in the centre of Norway, and I am currently living in one of Norways smallest tourist cities called Røros. Here I live with my family of 4+me, and I have played league for about 3 years.

Hopefully you actually read most of the post, but even though if you didnt, I really hope you know more about me now!


An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! 10689837_746087572151624_2782198660017641473_n
This is from when I visited my above mentioned friend and how I actually look today. Mountain in the back for scale!

Anders "Dersjen" Tidemann

Last edited by Dersjen on 16/11/2014, 13:04; edited 1 time in total

Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 2014-10-19
Age : 27

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An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! Empty Re: An introduction of the real D, Dersjen!

Post by Gummibär 16/11/2014, 12:35

I read the whole text and i really appreciate this methode of introducing yourself here. Will do it too and i almost caught myself crying.

Messages : 38
Date d'inscription : 2014-10-19
Localisation : Düsseldorf, Germany

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An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! Empty Re: An introduction of the real D, Dersjen!

Post by tusane 16/11/2014, 12:47

wow! really well done post XD

Messages : 20
Date d'inscription : 2014-10-19
Age : 29

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An introduction of the real D, Dersjen! Empty Re: An introduction of the real D, Dersjen!

Post by Dersjen 17/11/2014, 22:55

Glad you guys liked it! Nobody was online on League, and I was bored so I decided that I might as well be the first to make an introduction post Smile

Really encourage everybody to write something about themselves as I, and probably the rest, want to know more about you all! Very Happy

Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 2014-10-19
Age : 27

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