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Announcement: Leaving

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Announcement: Leaving Empty Announcement: Leaving

Post by TheUltimato 6/3/2015, 10:21

Hi, everyone, I'm TheUltimato and, well, the title says it all.
Since we were left without a leadership due to Geek dad's absence I stared thinking about my future in the League, if there was any even. I decided that i didn't want to leave all this behind and so I thought maybe it would be good to move to a community if the absence was kept the same way.
It's not without a heavy heart that I'm leaving since you guys are friends with whom i enjoy playing League, but we should keep doing for fun once in a while Smile
So, good bye for now and hope to talk to you soon!

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 2014-12-23
Age : 30
Localisation : Lisbon

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